FBLA Members will be provided with opportunities of career preparation, leadership development and achievement, outstanding leadership conferences, challenging competitions, community service experience, friendship and fun, informative publications, networking with peers and business professionals, and scholarships and prizes. The dues are $30 and include a t-shirt at the time of payment. If supplies run out a second t-shirt order will be made. Many new plans and events are being developed so don’t miss out. Dues are due by Friday October 3, 2021.

If you are interested in FBLA or have questions please contact Toni Sherrell at tsherrell@lcsbmail.net.

School Store Price List

Broadcast Journalism, Lafayette High School, 1st place:  Davis Jackson, Mallory McCrary, Cason Driver  Elevator Speech - ML, Lafayette High School-ML, 5th Place:  Harrison Jackson   Sales Presentation:  Lafayette High School, 4th Place:  Victoria Newman & Amandia Smith
Why Join FBLA???
v60 different competitions
A range of topics
o Written tests 
Speaking competitions 
o Production events
vNumerous State Winners
o  Located in Orlando
March 11-15, 2022
vSeveral National Finalists
Nationals is in Chicago, IL
June 29 - July 2
vNo Afterschool Practices
vLess than 3 in a team
vSeveral Individual Competitions
vFall Leadership Conference
o   Orlando
o   November 4-6
vProfessional Networking Opportunities
o   Friendships
o   Connections
vSocial Gatherings
vGreat Resume addition
Lafayette High School
160 NE Hornet Drive
Mayo, FL 32066
Phone: 386-294-1701
Fax: 386-294-4197