Information for students and parents regarding high school graduation requirements.
Information for students and parents regarding high school graduation requirements.
Amanda Byrd
Melissa Hewett
Becky Sharpe
Eligibility is based on the successful completion of Advanced Academic Program Completion Requirements. All course work taken in each academic area of study will be averaged into the Final Grade Point Average Calculation. (beginning with 9th
grade in 2009-2010)
grade in 2009-2010)
- Must be in attendance at LHS for 3 consecutive semesters prior to graduation
- Valedictorian will be the Advanced Academic Program Completer with the highest numerical Grade Point Average
- Salutatorian will be the Advanced Academic Program Completer with the second highest numerical Grade Point Average
- Grade Point Averages within 0.01 of a point will be considered identical
Student Transfer Form
State Graduation Requirements
Economic Security Report Overview
Economic Security Report (Full Report)
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College Athletics Information (Junior Year)
Florida Bright Futures Application
How College Admission Works
Inside the Mind of a College Interviewer
Financial Aid: How It Works - Helping You Afford College
State Graduation Requirements
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Economic Security Report (Full Report)
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College Athletics Information (Junior Year)
Florida Bright Futures Application
How College Admission Works
Inside the Mind of a College Interviewer
Financial Aid: How It Works - Helping You Afford College
The Post-secondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is Florida's customized common placement test. The purpose of the P.E.R.T. is accurate course placement based on the student's skills and abilities. The P.E.R.T. is aligned with the Post-secondary Readiness Competencies identified by Florida faculty as necessary for success in entry-level college credit coursework. The P.E.R.T. assessment system includes Placement and Diagnostic tests in mathematics, reading, and writing. PERT tests are also used for senior year placement courses. Students who have not met College and Career Readiness scores will be placed in appropriate courses based on 11th grade PERT scores as well as ACT/SAT scores.
Students must achieve a minimum score for reading, writing, and math preparation through the submission of appropriate placement test scores pursuant to Rule 6A-14.064 and Rule 6A-10.0315 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). No student shall be enrolled in a college credit course on a dual enrollment basis unless the student has demonstrated adequate preparation through the submission of appropriate placement test scores in reading, writing, and math.
Minimum PERT scores for dual-enrollment are 106-Reading, 103-Writing, 114 Math.
ACT cut scores for dual-enrollment are 17-English, 19-Reading, 19 Math.
SAT cut scores for dual-enrollment are Reading 24, Writing 25, Math 24.
Students must achieve a minimum score for reading, writing, and math preparation through the submission of appropriate placement test scores pursuant to Rule 6A-14.064 and Rule 6A-10.0315 Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). No student shall be enrolled in a college credit course on a dual enrollment basis unless the student has demonstrated adequate preparation through the submission of appropriate placement test scores in reading, writing, and math.
Minimum PERT scores for dual-enrollment are 106-Reading, 103-Writing, 114 Math.
ACT cut scores for dual-enrollment are 17-English, 19-Reading, 19 Math.
SAT cut scores for dual-enrollment are Reading 24, Writing 25, Math 24.
If you need a copy of your transcript, contact the guidance office at 386-294-4143, with the student's name, date of birth, year of graduation, and the address or fax number of where the transcript is to be sent. If the transcript will be picked up, we need 24 - 48 hours notice, and the date you will be picking it up.
Students are encouraged to take both the ACT and SAT beginning in their junior year. It is recommended that students take each test more than once because colleges will combine your highest scores to make an overall composite score used for admissions. You must upload a photo to your admissions ticket when registering. The photo must be of a clear head shot of only you.
HS CODE: 101-015 Please use this number when registering for the SAT/ACT; this is to ensure we will receive your test scores!
FEE WAIVERS: Students on free and reduced lunch qualify for 2 free ACT and SAT tests. Students must be in 11th or 12th grade. Please see Guidance for the form.
ACT Register at
SAT Register at
On the day of the test make sure that your carry your admissions ticket, photo ID, #2 pencils, and an approved calculator. Testing begins promptly at 8 am. You will need to arrive at scheduled test site by 7:30 am.
HS CODE: 101-015 Please use this number when registering for the SAT/ACT; this is to ensure we will receive your test scores!
FEE WAIVERS: Students on free and reduced lunch qualify for 2 free ACT and SAT tests. Students must be in 11th or 12th grade. Please see Guidance for the form.
ACT Register at
SAT Register at
On the day of the test make sure that your carry your admissions ticket, photo ID, #2 pencils, and an approved calculator. Testing begins promptly at 8 am. You will need to arrive at scheduled test site by 7:30 am.
Florida Virtual School is a public school designated to deliver course work via the internet. Courses are available on-line for approved students. Legislation provides that only coursework that is “Academically Appropriate” for the student may be approved. District teachers and staff will NOT be utilized to provide assistance to students enrolled in FLVS course work or mediate between FLVS students and instructors. The relationship that exists is among the parent, student, and FLVS and excludes Lafayette District personnel. As such, the student and parent assume sole responsibility for all FLVS coursework. The following conditions must be met in order to participate
in this program:
1. Students should be highly motivated and independent learners to be considered for this
option. Please note that FLVS does not recognize traditional student holidays. Students will be
required to continue working.
2. Any student wishing to use this option should discuss these plans with the guidance counselor
and the principal before proceeding with registration.
3. Registration with Florida Virtual School must be done on-line at but is not considered complete until the school guidance counselor approves the online FLVS course registration form. The course registration will not be completed by the counselor until the FLVS Guidelines and Facts sheet is signed and returned to Guidance. The school counselor’s approval must be on the online FLVS registration to verify that the desired course(s) meet the needs of the student’s academic plan. (It is the parents and students responsibility to register for appropriate course work. Florida Virtual School is a separate institution functioning individually.)
4. Students with Level 1 or 2 on FCAT will NOT be approved for courses in those subject areas. (Students requiring remediation based on FCAT scores.)
5. Opportunities for students working on FLVS coursework during the school day will be limited to scheduling options and only in designated locations. Students will not be allowed to leave campus during the school day for FLVS courses.
6. Any student withdrawing from a Lafayette District course after 10 days per semester will receive a (F) failing grade. Grade earned will become a part of the student’s school academic history. All course work must be completed by July 31 for appropriate academic placement for the following school year.
7. FLVS has a course withdrawal deadline. Students desiring to withdraw from a FLVS course after the deadline will receive a (F) failing grade. FLVS provides a transcript to your school at which time the FLVS course and grade earned will become a part of your high school academic history. Failure in a FLVS course may be considered “Academically Inappropriate”, therefore preventing the student from taking FLVS courses in the future.
8. If a student is enrolled in FLVS classes during the school day and is dropped by FLVS or completes FLVS courses before the end of the semester the student may be placed into a regular class at the district school of enrollment. FLVS courses must be successfully completed for students to be placed in next sequenced courses at the school of enrollment unless approved by Guidance or the Principal.
in this program:
1. Students should be highly motivated and independent learners to be considered for this
option. Please note that FLVS does not recognize traditional student holidays. Students will be
required to continue working.
2. Any student wishing to use this option should discuss these plans with the guidance counselor
and the principal before proceeding with registration.
3. Registration with Florida Virtual School must be done on-line at but is not considered complete until the school guidance counselor approves the online FLVS course registration form. The course registration will not be completed by the counselor until the FLVS Guidelines and Facts sheet is signed and returned to Guidance. The school counselor’s approval must be on the online FLVS registration to verify that the desired course(s) meet the needs of the student’s academic plan. (It is the parents and students responsibility to register for appropriate course work. Florida Virtual School is a separate institution functioning individually.)
4. Students with Level 1 or 2 on FCAT will NOT be approved for courses in those subject areas. (Students requiring remediation based on FCAT scores.)
5. Opportunities for students working on FLVS coursework during the school day will be limited to scheduling options and only in designated locations. Students will not be allowed to leave campus during the school day for FLVS courses.
6. Any student withdrawing from a Lafayette District course after 10 days per semester will receive a (F) failing grade. Grade earned will become a part of the student’s school academic history. All course work must be completed by July 31 for appropriate academic placement for the following school year.
7. FLVS has a course withdrawal deadline. Students desiring to withdraw from a FLVS course after the deadline will receive a (F) failing grade. FLVS provides a transcript to your school at which time the FLVS course and grade earned will become a part of your high school academic history. Failure in a FLVS course may be considered “Academically Inappropriate”, therefore preventing the student from taking FLVS courses in the future.
8. If a student is enrolled in FLVS classes during the school day and is dropped by FLVS or completes FLVS courses before the end of the semester the student may be placed into a regular class at the district school of enrollment. FLVS courses must be successfully completed for students to be placed in next sequenced courses at the school of enrollment unless approved by Guidance or the Principal.
Junior Year:
1. Take the ACT/SAT/CPT/PERT (college placement tests).
2. Research colleges and universities that you may be interested in attending.
3. Schedule a campus tour.
4. During the summer before your senior year, reduce the number of your schools of interest.
5. During the summer, also begin filling out applications online. The more you do during the summer
the easier fall will be!
6. Begin writing college admissions essays (many applications require an essay).
Senior Year:
1. Finalize college choices and complete applications by September 1 for University Applicants. Community College Applicants can apply throughout their senior year.
2. Be aware of financial aid and financial aid application deadlines.
3. If you are seeking an athletic scholarship, enroll with the NCAA clearing house to
be sure that you are certified and eligible for college sports programs. Students can
enroll at
4. Take College Placements tests as many times as needed for desired scores. (ACT/SAT/CPT/
1. Complete the Florida Financial Aid Application (Bright Futures)
2. Complete the FAFSA (your family’s financial aid information). This needs to
be completed as soon as possible after your family has filed their income tax.
3. Complete and return local scholarship applications. Local scholarships are
available in the Guidance Office on March 1.
4. Be aware of housing, financial aid, registration, orientation and tuition deadlines.
1. Take the ACT/SAT/CPT/PERT (college placement tests).
2. Research colleges and universities that you may be interested in attending.
3. Schedule a campus tour.
4. During the summer before your senior year, reduce the number of your schools of interest.
5. During the summer, also begin filling out applications online. The more you do during the summer
the easier fall will be!
6. Begin writing college admissions essays (many applications require an essay).
Senior Year:
1. Finalize college choices and complete applications by September 1 for University Applicants. Community College Applicants can apply throughout their senior year.
2. Be aware of financial aid and financial aid application deadlines.
3. If you are seeking an athletic scholarship, enroll with the NCAA clearing house to
be sure that you are certified and eligible for college sports programs. Students can
enroll at
4. Take College Placements tests as many times as needed for desired scores. (ACT/SAT/CPT/
1. Complete the Florida Financial Aid Application (Bright Futures)
2. Complete the FAFSA (your family’s financial aid information). This needs to
be completed as soon as possible after your family has filed their income tax.
3. Complete and return local scholarship applications. Local scholarships are
available in the Guidance Office on March 1.
4. Be aware of housing, financial aid, registration, orientation and tuition deadlines.
CTE Admission Criteria
Return on Investment Letter
Return on Investment Letter
This program offers a sequence of courses that provide coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources career cluster. The content includes but is not limited to instruction in animal and plant production and processing; agriculture marketing; agricultural mechanics; employability skills; mathematics; basic science; biological sciences; communications; and human-relations skills.
This program offers a sequence of courses that provide coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Arts, A/V Technology and Communication career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Arts, A/V Technology and Communication career cluster. This program is designed to prepare students for employment as an Information Technology Assistant, Production Assistant, Digital Assistant Designer, Graphic Designer, and Multi-Media Designer.
This program offers a sequence of courses that provide coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Hospitality and Tourism career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Hospitality and Tourism career cluster. The content includes but is not limited to all aspects of preparation, presentation, and serving of food; leadership, communication skills, employability skills, and safe/efficient work practices are also covered. This coursework prepares students for employment in the food service/hospitality industry.
This program offers a sequence of courses that provide coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the Health Science career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the Health Science career cluster. This course is designed to prepare students for employment as nursing assistants SOC- 31-1014 (Nursing Assistants) in nursing homes, hospitals, or other health care facilities. The content includes, but is not limited to, interpersonal skills, medical terminology, legal and ethical responsibilities, safe and efficient work, gerontology, nutrition, pet-facilitated therapy, health and safety including Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) – heart saver level, and employability skills. Successful completion of this program from an approved school prepares the student for certification for employment as a Nursing Assistant in a nursing home, in accordance with Chapter 464.203, Florida Statutes.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT):
This course introduces middle school students to core concepts associated with computers and their use. The content includes hands-on opportunities to explore various software applications, including the creation of a template-based web page and a basic computer program. Participating middle school students in the ICT courses are grades 6-7 for the 2015-16 school year with plans to expand these courses to include grades 5-8. Digital Tools Certificates are offered in the ICT program.
This course introduces middle school students to core concepts associated with computers and their use. The content includes hands-on opportunities to explore various software applications, including the creation of a template-based web page and a basic computer program. Participating middle school students in the ICT courses are grades 6-7 for the 2015-16 school year with plans to expand these courses to include grades 5-8. Digital Tools Certificates are offered in the ICT program.